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Here are a dozen ways to experience the hidden side of this dynamic South Bay region

硅谷 is known around the globe as the home of some of the world’s largest and most innovative technology companies, 包括苹果, 脸谱网, 和谷歌. 大致从贝尔蒙特延伸到 圣马特奥县 (also known as the San Francisco Peninsula) down to 圣荷西 在南端 旧金山湾中间有许多充满活力的城市, 硅谷 is equally renowned for its upscale shopping and refined dining spots. But look beyond the region’s high-tech heart and you’ll find lush gardens, 隐藏的酒厂, and under-the-radar restaurants to satisfy your every craving. Here are 13 ways to experience a whole new side of this region.



Learn about 圣克拉拉 Valley’s rich history as you stroll through 历史公园, a 14-acre “town” that includes 32 original and replica buildings, 还有文化博物馆和展览. Take a ride on the free trolley and, on weekends, sample sweet treats at 奥布莱恩冰淇淋店和糖果店这是一家重现圣何塞最古老冰淇淋店的餐厅.


1940英亩 Baylands保存 is one of the largest tracts of undisturbed marshland in the 旧金山湾 Area, 许多当地人仍然不知道. 一个散步或跑步的好地方 帕洛阿尔托 preserve features more than 50 miles of multi-use trails and is one of the best bird-watching spots on the West Coast.


隐藏在美丽的16英亩红木森林中, 峡谷牧场 is a high-end retreat for burned-out tech workers and weekend wellness seekers. Sign up for a curated stay packed with wellness activities, 或者享受徒步旅行, 水疗, 在你空闲的时候上健身课. Lodging options include luxurious glass-walled treehouses set 50 feet into the forest’s canopy.


远离人迹罕至的地方 斯坦福大学北京的主要旅游景点是 亚利桑那州的花园 presents a fascinating array of beautiful and unusual cacti and succulents. 拥有超过17个,000平方英尺的绿地, the garden was designed in the 1880s by acclaimed landscape gardener Rudolph Ulrich.


建于1938年 普尔加斯水庙 commemorates the completion of the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct, which brings water to the area from the Sierras 150 miles away. Lined with dagger-shaped cypress trees, the lawn and reflecting pool are picture-perfect photo spots. If possible, try to visit in the late summer, when lavender blooms in the surround the area.


炼金术士公园 is the headquarters for a community of mystics whose members have a particular fascination with ancient Egypt. 横跨城市街区, 该公园包括一个埃及和平花园, 大庙, 天文馆(目前关闭整修), 和 玫瑰十字会埃及博物馆, home to the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts on exhibit in western North America.


圣荷西的 新阿尔马登 neighborhood was once home to a large population of miners who toiled in the nearby quicksilver mines. 许多工人现在居住在 大庄园公墓, where individual picket fences surround roughly 50 tombstones. The spooky boneyard’s most interesting inhabitant is the left arm of one Bert Barrett, who lost the appendage in 1898 but lived on for another 61 years.

菲罗利历史屋 & 花园,伍德赛德

Transport yourself to an 英语 country estate just minutes from 硅谷. Along with a stately Georgian Revival home and manicured gardens, Filoli features a nature preserve filled with birds, wildlife, and seasonal wildflowers. 到现场苗圃购买鲜花, 植物, and veggies grown in the estate greenhouses; visit their 活动页面 看看他们的日程表,包括 开花故事 series that celebrates the art of  storytelling through poetry, 短篇小说, 视觉艺术, 还有插花.

吃 & 喝


A combination public market and gourmet food court, 圣佩德罗广场市场 is a great place to meet friends, indoors or out, for a nosh and a drink. 在市场的各种食品供应中有 锚的鱼 & 薯条和海鲜烧烤, Jora秘鲁美食和尼泊尔饺子供应商 城市莫莫. 当你在那里的时候,穿过马路去 现在商店, a cool collection of rotating mini-stores run by local artisans.


This humble restaurant a few miles north of downtown serves consistently delicious and authentic 朝鲜文 dishes. 在 Danbi’s customer favorites are steaming tofu soups, bulgogi and seafood-studded pancakes. Decor is clean and simple, service is speedy, 和 staff is always friendly.

心境酒吧 & 披萨店,洛斯阿尔托斯

灵感来自金州农业的丰饶, this pizzeria wows neighborhood locals with mind-blowing pies like Eat Your Brussels Sprouts, 传家宝山羊, 和终极, 用蘑菇和松露皮装饰. 一定要去看看 精神状态该公司的精酿啤酒系列, 和 mini-arcade—complete with pinball machines—at the back of the restaurant.


If you’ve never tried Bosnian food, this restaurant in 圣克拉拉 是做这件事的地方吗. 休闲和欢迎, 欧元烧烤 attracts homesick Bosnians and local converts with its delicious cevapi—finger-sized sausages stuffed into soft bread with red pepper spread and raw onions on the side—and 做出许, a flaky pastry filled with meat, cheese, or spinach.


Few would expect to find a winery tasting room in a 摩根山 工业园区,但是 Lightpost 值得绕道而行吗. The winery features terrific regional Pinot Noir and Chardonnay wines crafted by veteran winemaker Christian Roguenant, 原产于Laetitia葡萄园 & 中部海岸的酿酒厂和切线葡萄酒. This being 硅谷, customers can even pay with cryptocurrency.


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